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Marin Tennis

Group tennis lessons

Most tennis coaches around the world would ask any aspiring tennis player to play with three sets of players. One of them would a player who is better than you in terms of skills. By playing against a player of this caliber, you would learn a lot of new skills of the game. Additionally, you would also find out how good you are at your game. After playing with a player better than you in terms of skills, you should play with a player who is on the same skill level as you. Lastly, play against a player who is not as good as you in terms of skills. Playing against these three sets of players will give you an all-round exposure and uplift your tennis skills to the optimum.

Not only will you improve on your techniques, you would also improve a lot on your strokes resulting in you becoming a better player.

 Adult Group
 $118 per person for 5 sessions
 $142 per person for 5 sessions
 (Max 4 People per class)
 (Max 3 People per class) 
 Junior Group
 $118 per person for 5 sessions
 $142 per person for 5 sessions 
 (Max 4 People per class)
 (Max 3 People Per class)

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